Saturday, February 7, 2009
vBulletin 3.7.3 PL1 NULLED
|| ########################################################################## ||
|| # __ ______ _______ ___ _____ __________ _ ____ ___________ # ||
|| # / |/ / | / ____(_) | / ___// ____/ __ (_) __ /_ __/ ___/ # ||
|| # / /|_/ / /| | / /_ / / /| | __ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / __ # ||
|| # / / / / ___ |/ __/ / / ___ |___/ / /___/ _, _/ / ____/ / / ___/ / # ||
|| # ©/_/ /_/_/ |_/_/ /_/_/ |_/____/____/_/ |_/_/_/ /_/ /____/ # ||
|| # # ||
|| # MAFiASCRiPTS # ||
|| #------------------------------------------------------------------------# ||
|| # Copyright © 2008 # ||
|| #------------------------------------------------------------------------# ||
|| # # ||
|| # NAME : vBulletin # ||
|| # VERSION : 3.7.3 PL1 # ||
|| # TYPE : Bulletin Board System # ||
|| # SUPPLIED : MAFiASCRiPTS Friend # ||
|| # WEBSITE : # ||
|| # RETAILS : $160.00 # ||
|| # MST PRICE : 100% FREE # ||
|| # DISTRO : VIA MS # ||
|| # DEMO : # ||
|| # ADDONS : n/a # ||
|| # XTRA NOTE : Props fliez to contributors of this project: supplier, # ||
|| # nuller and QAT. # ||
|| # DOCS : check 'vb3_readme.txt' for setup & installation info # ||
|| # # ||
|| #------------------------------ DESCRiPTiON -----------------------------# ||
|| # # ||
|| # vBulletin is a professional, affordable community forum solution. # ||
|| # Thousands of clients, including many industry leading blue chip # ||
|| # companies, have chosen vBulletin - It's the ideal choice for any # ||
|| # size of community. # ||
|| #------------------------------------------------------------------------# ||
Online car insurance quote
Link to Go>>
Thursday, January 29, 2009
SoftDirec! Version 1.05 Latest
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Member/Visitor features
*View/Print/Enquriy fares,packages,specials
*Online Currency Converter
*Two step booking request
*Search fares,packages(filter by origin and destination)
* View flight details by continent
* Print details of fares or packges
* Send to a friend
* etc
Admin Features
* Add/Edit/Delete Block
* Add/Edit/Delete Destination
* Add/Edit/Delete Origin
* Add/Edit/Delete fare,special fare
* Add/Edit/Delete Packages
* Upload/Remove photos/file attachment for packages
* View site statistics
* Update site configuration(ie,theme,site title etc)
*PHP 4.3 +
*Mysql 4+
*.htacces,cronjob enabled(for url rewriting if it is on linux server)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Introduction to scripts

Scripts offer authors a means to extend HTML documents in highly active and interactive ways. For example:
* Scripts may be evaluated as a document loads to modify the contents of the document dynamically.
* Scripts may accompany a form to process input as it is entered. Designers may dynamically fill out parts of a form based on the values of other fields. They may also ensure that input data conforms to predetermined ranges of values, that fields are mutually consistent, etc.
* Scripts may be triggered by events that affect the document, such as loading, unloading, element focus, mouse movement, etc.
* Scripts may be linked to form controls (e.g., buttons) to produce graphical user interface elements.
There are two types of scripts authors may attach to an HTML document:
* Those that are executed one time when the document is loaded by the user agent. Scripts that appear within a SCRIPT element are executed when the document is loaded. For user agents that cannot or will not handle scripts, authors may include alternate content via the NOSCRIPT element.
* Those that are executed every time a specific event occurs. These scripts may be assigned to a number of elements via the intrinsic event attributes.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Your Own Bux V4

Start your own Paid To Click Program with this NEW and Complex script:
Script Features:
- - Automatic Upgrades After Payment
- - No more unsense payments on database (the database is writed only after Alertpay payments)
- - New and totally secured Viewads section
- - Members area (Stats, profile, convert to ads, convert to Premium, and convert to Cash)
- - Adsense/bidvertiser ready
- - New and totally secured Admin panel
- - Admin can add/edit/delete users, etc...
- - New Contact area(admin can send mass emails, reply contact messages etc)
- - Complete Site Stats on admin section
- - Added a ban IP system, with add/remove/edit banned ip features in admin panel
- - Bot Detection feature to detect possible bots
- - Added Premium Only advertisements
- - Added Bold and Highlighted advertisements
- - Added sha1 encrypted passwords (for users security)
- - Added a "forgot password" section with sha1 encrypted hashes
- - No "ADMIN" link in the front end, so you can rename your admin folder to prevent unautorized access -Etc..
- - Captcha to prevent bots (needs gdscript2 library with FreeTypes Installed)
- - Easy Instalation with a step by step install script
- - This script Requires Zend Optimizer installed on your hosting to run.
AFTER PAYMENT: you must email us with the domain name to receive your license key file.
Try Our Demo (Some Functions May Be Dissabled)
There's no "Admin" link so you must go to /admin folder to see the admin section
Username = admin
Password = 123456
Demo :
Download :
Monday, January 5, 2009 clone
SE Ultimate - 2nd Release
Download and experience SE Ultimate with Ultimate Plugins and Ultimate Taskbar!
Password: crome
What is SE Ultimate?
Core: SocialEngine v3.07
01. Albums
02. Music
03. Groups
04. Events
05. Blogs
06. Employment
07. Education
08. Classifieds
09. Polls
10. Video
11. Gifts, etc.,
Note: 100% tested!
Template: Myspace Beta
Flash Chat version 5.0.9

FlashChat includes a set of advanced administrative options so that you can easily manage rooms, users, bans, messages, and much more.
The room list and message input area can be re-positioned to different parts of the screen by simply dragging and droppinig. These layout positions can also be set by default in the external layout file.
A PHP-based "bad words filter" allows you, the chat administrator, to prevent foul language from being viewed within the chat.
FlashChat's text options can also be externally configured in the config.php file. You can add additional font sizes, specify the default font sizes for the interface text, set the default language, and much more!
Nearly every color in FlashChat can be modified within the PHP configuration files (using the HEX color code). You can also set custom JPG or SWF background images easily by editing the appropriate theme file, located in the /inc/themes/ folder).
FlashChat has the ability to use small, graphic avatars for any user. You may also set special avatars for administrators, or to distinguish male vs. female users. The background image can be customized for any user as well.
AIML, the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language, has been integrated with FlashChat. This feature allows your chatters to interact with a true artificial intelligence entity, making your chat seem "alive" even during periods of down-time.
104 Turnkey Websites, All from DotComBuilder

Here are 26 turnkey websites with 4 different templates in each = 104 websites!!
All you have to do is install the folder on your server, configure the conn.php, and some other files like header.php and footer.php and install your database(inside sql folder)......
The classifieds website allows visitors to search and post classified ads. The ads are detailed with descriptions, photos, business information and contact forms.
People can also list for a fee. After someone has registered, he/she is able to select and buy a package depending on the exposure they would like and for the length of time they would like to be listed. Payment can be done via
Siteadmin panel:
1. Admin can add/edit/delete listings
2. Admin can add/edit/delete unlimited categories
3. Admin can add/edit/delete/approve members
4. Mailing list manager - send emails, delete subscribers, message archive
The Freelancers website allows anyone to run a professional site like only large companies could until now. How it works is that people looking for freelance work ("providers") signup, and companies ("buyers") looking for professionals post their projects on your site. Providers bid on the projects, the buyer picks the bid he likes, and the project begins. You can take any commission you want based on the bid amount! This type of service often gets people coming back to use it several times, it has the potential to grow very quickly.
Advanced admin gives you maximum control:
o Manage list of banned usernames, e-mails, and IPs.
o View financial information, such as deposits, withdrawals, and a monthly profit report!
o Delete accounts, suspend accounts, give special status, add/remove funds, and more.
o Refund project commissions.
o Track last recorded login times and delete inactive accounts.
o When a provider places a bid, he can choose to be notified when someone places a bid lower than his bid.
o Individual message boards for each project!
o Private messages can be posted on message board.
o deposits are also completely automatic.
o Any other types of deposits can still be done by the admin.
o Members can transfer money to another member. This is how buyers pay providers for a project.
o Referral system built-in: You decide how much money members make for referring a provider and how much for a buyer. Referrals are tracked using Cookies. Funds are added to the member's account automatically when a referred user signs up.
o ...And so many more features!
The events website allows people to browse events in their local communities or across the US. The sale listings are detailed with sale descriptions, fees, and address.
Payment can be done via PayPal and registration is automated.
Siteadmin panel:
1. Admin can edit/delete listings
2. Admin can add/edit/delete/approve listings
3. Mailing list manager - send emails
4. Manage the site settings - paypal email, Contact email, add/edit/delete different prices and add the text for almost every page on the site without any knowledge of site editing!
5. Add/edit/delete banners
Earn 100% On All Job Posting and Search Fees! This website allows job seekers to post their resumes and search job postings for free and employers pay a fee to post jobs and search the resumes online.
o Fully developed website utilizing PHP and MySQL.
o Members can add quotes to rotate on front page.
o Banner and Link Rotation
o Accepts payments automatically through PayPal
o Jobseekers Features:
o Free Resume Posting
o Resume Posting Interface
o Online Resume Edit
o Search Job Listings
o Automatic access upon registration
This script will allow websites to exchange links with one another and for users to buy credits into the system, you keep 100% of the profits and it has a wonderful online control panel to administer the website.
o PHP and MySQL Database Driven Script
o The ability to approve or reject accounts before restricted content goes into the network.
o Automatic assignment of free credits for new users
o Simple administration with password protection.
o Members can purchase additional credits through PayPal and are automatically applied.
o 2 display types for java pop up links or embedded links
Top 10 searches and featured websites on the front page. Daily content such as weather, games, kids content, lottery results, daily poll, news, recipes, celebrity gossip, financial ticker and tips, comics and more. Featured services linked from front page to spotlight your own personal or affiliate sites for:
o Website Hosting
o Auctions
o Travel Services
o Domain Registration
o Casino & Sportsbook
o Online Pharmacy
o Freelance Employment
o Download eBooks
o Banner Exchange
o Traffic & Promotion
o Deals & Coupons
o Shopping Mall
o Picture Rating
o Matchmaker
o Job Search
Search Engine
o PHP and MySQL Database Driven
o Can handle thousands of listings per keyword. That's more than enough ( has an average of 40 listings per keyword).
o Web sites bid money to get listed, and they only pay every time someone clicks through to their site from your search.
o Only daily unique clicks are counted (to prevent fake clicking).
Webmaster Admin
o Login panel showing:
o Number of all members
o Number of blocked members
o Number of all clicks
o Number of banners clicks
o Today banners clicks
o Today clicks
o Average clicks per day
o Number of banners shown
o Total money collected3
o Today money collected
o Average money per day
o System Settings to set:
o Accept bids automaticaly:
o Allow special search to members
o Allow PayPal IPN
o Allow Revenue Pilot feeds
o Allow SearchFeed feeds
o Allow Raging feeds
o Allow MSN feeds
o Allow feeds
o Your Pay Pal Account e-mail
o Sign up bonus
o Minimal bid
o Minimal bid on "no matches"
o Minimal balance
o Cost of affiliates searches
o Cost of affiliates clicks
o Currency symbol
o Number of Popular Searches to Display
o Number of Searches to Displayed per page
o Admin page lets you approve/deny submissions, view detailed info about members, and add/subtract money from their accounts.
o Admin area shows each member's bid listings.
o Admin can add credits to members.
o Filter Keywords
o Add Categories
o Create Low Level accounts
o Database Functions:
o Backup DB
o Restore DB
o Generate stats report
o Clear Search Log
Affiliate Program
o Affiliate program: Set up to pay for affiliates searches or affiliates clicks.
o Affiliate earnings' summary for each month available in the admin section.
This website allows visitors to add their favorite recipes in the categories that you create. Members can also email recipes to others on the Internet that they find in your database.
o Great traffic generation with viral features and community gathering.
o Allows visitors to:
o Rate recipes
o Add recipes
o Search recipes
o Email recipes to friends
o Login and Register to add recipes
o Subscribe to newsletter
o Website features:
o Newest Recipes
o Higest Rated Recipes
o Online admin for:
o Validate Recipe
The software store allows you to sell downloadable software. The shopping cart automates check out and makes administrating your store a snap.
o Advanced admin gives you maximum control:
o Product Addition including:
Adding Title
Item Price
Add/Edit/Delete Features
o Unlimited categories and subcategories.
o Order Tracking
o Edit Website Information:
PayPal Address
Add Banners
Help Section Text
o Shopping Cart Features:
o Thumbnailed Previews
o Featured Items on front page
o Category Listings
o View Cart
o Empty Cart
o Recalculating
o Add/Remove Items
o Rate and Review Items
o ...And so many more features
The auto classifieds website allows car buyers to browse available properties for free. The property listings are detailed with features, photos, dealer/individual information and driving directions linked to MapQuest.
Siteadmin panel:
1. Admin can add/edit/delete listings
2. Admin can add/edit/delete unlimited categories and subcategories
3. Admin can add/edit/delete/approve dealers
4. Mailing list manager - send emails, delete subscribers, message archive
5. Banner manager - view/delete banners
6. Manage the site settings - title, keywords, description, paypal email, Contact email, company address, agreement, add/edit/delete different priorities and prices.
7. Admin info - change username, password, name, email
o Fully developed website utilizing PHP and MySQL.
o Members area with:
o Chat Rooms
o Mailbox
o Matchmaker
o Member's Search
o Favorites List
o Update Profile
o Add Pictures
o Email verification of new members.
o Upgraded memberships with PayPal auto-renewal monthly billing.
o Integrated Affiliate Program
o Admin area for:
o Emailing members
o Viewing members
o Deleting members
o Upgrading memberships
This website will allow you to set up your own games portal! Visitors interested in games can read and post reviews on selected games as well as inform others on the latest cheats. The portal comes with many features such as prominent banner spots in several banner sizes throughout the website and purchase links for games being sold. Link banners and purchase links to popular affiliates such as to create a great source of revenue!
Account Management:
o Add Games Review
o Add Game Cheats
o Change Password
o Add Games
o Edit/Delete Games
o Edit/Delete Reviews
o Edit/Delete Cheats
o View/Edit/Delete Members List
o Email Members
o Email Subscribers
o Add Banners
o Change Website Settings
This website will allow you to set up your own movie portal! Visitors interested in movies can read and post reviews on selected movies as well as inform others on the latest gossip. The portal comes with many features such as prominent banner spots in several banner sizes throughout the website and purchase links for movies being sold. Link banners and purchase links to popular affiliates such as to create a great source of revenue!
Account Management:
o Add Movie Review
o Add Movie Gossip
o Change Password
o Add Movies
o Edit/Delete Movies
o Edit/Delete Reviews
o Edit/Delete Gossip
o Add/Edit/Delete Trivia
o View/Edit/Delete Members List
o Email Members
o Email Subscribers
o Add Banners
o Change Website Settings
This website allows you to run a free scripts directory earning revenue from sponsors advertising. Visitors can add scripts, search for scripts, & rate and review scripts.
User Tools:
o Displays Top 10 and What's New.
o Script Submission
o Title
o Category
o Download URL
o Home Site
o Platform(s)
o Price
o Upload screenshot
o Description
o Contact Details
o Advanced Search
o Title
o Type
o Description
o Date
o Category
o Platform
o Rate and Review Scripts
o Purchase Text and Banner Advertising
Admin Tools:
o Search/Add/Edit Users
o Add/Update/Edit Categories
o Search/Add/Edit Scripts
o Search/Add/Edit/(De)Activate Advertising
o Search/Add/Edit/(De)Activate Sponsors
o Add/Edit/Delete Advertising Packages
The shopping cart website allows you to sell any products that you like on the net. The shopping cart automates check out and makes administrating your store a snap.
o Advanced admin gives you maximum control:
o Product Addition including:
Adding Title
Shipping Price
Item Price
Add/Edit/Delete Features
o Unlimited categories and subcategories.
o Order Tracking
o Edit Website Information:
PayPal Address
2CheckOut Tracking Number
Sales Tax
Help Section Text
o Shopping Cart Features:
o Thumbnailed Previews
o Featured Items on front page
o Category Listings
o View Cart
o Empty Cart
o Recalculating
o Add/Remove Items
o Rate and Review Items
o ...And so many more features!
The website allows visitors to search and post ads for their websites and domains for sale. The ads are detailed with descriptions, photos, business information and contact forms.
Siteadmin panel:
1. Admin can add/edit/delete listings
2. Admin can add/edit/delete unlimited categories
3. Admin can add/edit/delete/approve members
4. Mailing list manager - send emails, delete subscribers, message archive
The business directory website allows visitors to search for businesses in their neighborhood and acts as an online yellow pages. The business listings are detailed with descriptions, photos, business information and driving directions linked to MapQuest.
Siteadmin panel:
1. Admin can add/edit/delete listings
2. Admin can add/edit/delete unlimited categories and subcategories
3. Admin can add/edit/delete/approve dealers
4. Mailing list manager - send emails, delete subscribers, message archive
This website allows visitors to ask your advice on a topic you choose. As the administrator you can answer approved questions for display on the website for public viewing. Wether you are an expert on dog grooming or home medical remedies, you will find this website invaluable for showing off your expertise and promoting related products and services.
User Features
o Browse Categories (browse titles and descriptions)
o Search Articles (search by keyword and/or category)
o View articles by Most Popular, Most Viewed, Last 15 Articles, Main Featured Articles
o Print Article Option
o Email Article To Friend
o Save Article
o Talk about Article by adding your comments
o Rate Articles Helpful (yes or no)
o Ask a question (Select category, enter name, email and question)
Admin Features
o Admin Welcome
o Displays comments
o Displays questions unapproved/unanswered
o Category
o Add Category (title and description)
o Manage Categories (edit/delete)
o Articles
o Add Article (complete with HTML editor, attachment upload and keyword entries)
o Backup DB
o Create Administrator
o Edit Details
o Change Password
o Logout
Plus More!
Download Link:
Six Dollar

Six Dollar, home of the fabulous Six Dollar Script, that allows you as the webmaster, to set up a Co-op Store, where people without a website can sell products for a monthly fee, that you determine.
It is designed to keep product prices low, by requiring that each shopper that buys a product agrees to read ten emails, and it has an auto opt out feature so that after they have read the ten emails they stop getting them.
You can get your own store all over the web, there are literally hundreds of sites that will give you a free store, or set you up for a monthly fee.
The problem is, there are thousands of people promoting these stores, and once you get yours it's up to you to promote it. So any sales you get, or don't get is all on YOU.
With the Six Dollar Script Member Co-op Store you add your products and you promote the store. The difference is that other members of the Co-op are promoting YOUR store as well. The more Members the more promotion. The more promotion, the more sales!
Your Download-Link:
GameScript 4.0 + Template + 3200 Games
GameScript 4.0 + Template + 3200 Games
Script Info:
GameScript is a fully featured online gaming content
managment system built completely with revenue in mind.
Unlike our competition we own large arcades.
Nobody has the kind of experience that we do with running an arcade site.
Our forum is very active and packed with many users
making $100+ a day off of their arcades thanks to
our software and our tips.
NEW UPdated Linkz
3200 Games
Thumbnail [Updated]
RapidShot v6 Unofficial
* NO MySQL or other Database needed!
* ultra-easy install - pros do it in 1 minute
* define maximum free downloads per day per user
* define maximum space usage on server
* RS-accounts can be donated by users
* account-donors gain ViP status - no limits for them
* RS-accounts rotate in the system, so usage is balanced
* auto-deletion of oldest files when defined space-limit is reached
* (dis)allow listing of currently stored files
* directdownload of any filetype, no opening in browser or mediaplayer
* unrar the archive
* upload all the contents to your webspace
* chmod the folders 777
* change values in configuration.php to your needs
* have fun
Download Link:

The list of free games:
1. All well-known game "Out." Test your luck!
2. The game is "Poker". Potreniruytes before playing for money.
3. Play Black Jack.
4. Dog races. The pursuit of hares.
5. Slot machine Pirates.
6. Mini Golf.
7. Check their reactions. Do not let myshke to get to the cheese!
8. Play Golf. With beer. What kind of golf without beer ...
9. Max Breakout.
10. Crab Volleyball.
11. Ping-pong.
12. Treniruysya in creating fotorobotov. Avos useful ...
All these games are built on the technology of flash!
List PAID games for registered users.
1. Game mermaid (possible rate 0,20 cop, 1rub, 5rub etc.)
2. Game Froit Fiesta (possible rate 0,20 cop, 1rub, 5rub etc.)
3. Game 777 (cost of the game 5rubley.)
4. Game Fairy Land (possible rate 0,20 cop, 1rub, 5rub etc.)
5. The most popular game-RULLETKA (possible rate 0,20 cop, 1rub, 5rub etc.)
6. All known game three Ace, make a bet and guess if the guess rate multiplied in 3raza (possible rate 0,20 cop, 1rub, 5rub etc.)
7. Classis Slot (3-reel slot, possible rate 0.20 CPC, 1rub, 5rub etc.)
8. GAME pirates! (3-reel slot, possible rate 0,20 cop, 1rub, 5rub etc.)
10. The game computers! (Very fun game!
================================================== =========
Through administrirovannuyu part you will be able to:
1. Change the balance of the player (made especially for you to pursue bonus policy)
2. A list of all players (name, mail, password)
3. Detailed statistics on the game and hit as well as for all bets, winnings, any costs or other
4. Ability to set up casino
5. The most important thing in this casino, you can designate how much money in the bank and to establish the percentage vyigrashey!
CASINO uses payment service through ROBOXCHANGE!
Requirements: PHP4 and MySQL
Attention! On the free hosting correct runtime is not guaranteed!
Download Links:
FlashDen Megapack!
About 300 mb of High Quality Flash Sites and Other Stuff!!!
if u hAve tRoUblez with unarchive, try to rename all files for example to FlashDen.part1.rar, FlashDen.part2.rar, FlashDen.part3.rar instead of
Well I mean just delete "-MechanisM" part of the name ^__^
Password: MechanisM
its my first if smth wrong, I'll reupload))
And will be great if someone will add another mirrors because its really good shit!!
Enjoy!! and Hello from Moscow ^__^
Download Link:
Audio Search Engine
Audio Search Engines [ MajorMp3 ] Nulled
Null Scripts, nulled script,null script ,free null scripts.nulled php script,
This script based on scriptowl audio search engine.
PhpMusicSearch or Crotz user needs to modified the script if you want to use it.
Password is:
Sunday, January 4, 2009
vBulletin Project Tools 2.0.0 Beta 1

vBulletin Project Tools 2.0.0 Beta 1
D::::::::::::DDD GGG::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
D:::::::::::::::DD GG:::::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D G:::::GGGGGGGG::::GT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T
D:::::D D:::::DG:::::G T:::::T
D:::::D D:::::DG:::::G T:::::T
D:::::D D:::::DG:::::G GGGGGGGGGG T:::::T
D:::::D D:::::DG:::::G G::::::::G T:::::T
D:::::D D:::::DG:::::G GGGGG::::G T:::::T
D:::::D D:::::DG:::::G G::::G T:::::T
D:::::D D:::::D G:::::G G::::G T:::::T
DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G TT:::::::TT
D:::::::::::::::DD GG:::::::::::::::G T:::::::::T
D::::::::::::DDD GGG::::::GGG:::G T:::::::::T
Oo - 2008 - oO
[ScRiPt iNfO]-------------------------------------------------------
¦ Script name : vBulletin Project Tools 2.0.0 Beta 1
¦ Supplied by : DGT
¦ Nullified by : DGT
¦ Tested by : DGT & GTG
¦ Protection : Removed
¦ Homepage :
¦ Release date : 29-07-2008
¦ Release type : PHP/MySQL
¦ Price : Forget it :)
¦ Under music : N/A
vBulletin Project Tools is a versatile add-on product that enhances
vBulletin with project management functionality, empowering your
community members to create projects, contribute to tasks, submit
issues and view progress of projects. Seamless integration with
vBulletin ensures maximum usability, and an administration suite
within the vBulletin control panel allows full customization of
projects, issues, tasks and user permissions.
[/End DeScRiPtIoN]---------------------------------------------------
[iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]
**** Validator ****
Upload all files in BINARY mode.
Run validator.php before editing files to verify release.
Use online verifier of validator.php file and you will see NFO file.
Remove both files from server after checking and enjoy.
Remember, we include validator.php and checksums.md5 in our releases.
If you don't see these files, don't trust.
Do not modify validator.php.
Online tool: v[dot]grinderz[dot]org
[/End iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]
[iNfO aBouT gRoUp]---------------------------------------------------
DGT is looking for:
- Professional Scripts Suppliers
- Professional Nullifiers
- Professional Testers
Wanna join? Send info about your skills at join.dgt[@]
If you like this script, just buy it.
[/End iNfO aBouT gRoUp]-----------------------------------------------
Our greetz fliez to all good groups in da scene.
[/End gReEtZ]---------------------------------------------------------
[/End ScRiPt iNfO]----------------------------------------------------
Don't leech it x-mobile
AdQuick 2.03 Nulled Null script

AdQuick 2.03 Nulled Null script
AdQuick Nulled ,AdQuick Null ,AdQuick 2.03 Nulled Null script,null scripts,nulled scripts
AdQuick Nulled ,AdQuick Null ,AdQuick 2.03 Nulled Null script,null scripts,nulled scripts
AdQuick 2.0 allows you to run your own ad network similar to websites such, and
AdQuick 2.0 will allow you to bring together advertisers and publishers,
and you the script owner will take a cut from every ad sold through your
adbrite clone websit
20 OScommerce Templates | Monster Templates |

20 OScommerce Templates | Monster Templates |
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SoftBiz Nulled Scripts Collection

SoftBiz Nulled Scripts CollectionSoftBiz Nulled ,SoftBiz Null,Free Null Script,Nulled Script,Php Script
Contents of Package:
1. ad-management-plus
2. auto-link-checker
3. B2B Trading Marketplace
4. Banner_Exchange_GTT
5. banner-exchange
6. banners-admanager
7. classifieds
8. classifieds-plus
9. free-lancers
10. image-gallery
11. jobs & Recruitment
12. Links Directory
13. Pay Per Click
14. Recipe Portal
15. Reciprocal Link Exchange
16. softbiz Auctions
Gen2PTC Script - Nulled Null Script

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Gen2PTC Script Nulled Script,Free Nulled Script,
Gen2PTC Script Nulled Script,Free Nulled Script,
Gen2 PTC script is revolutionary. It is jam packed with all the features you could ever want, and was built using the tightest security standards. It is easy to update, edit, and add-on to. This script has so many features, but it uses the lowest server resources and has the least requirements than any others.
Module based: This means, we can create add-ons that install with a single click, and keep adding features that you can have without a hassle.
Easy Template System: Just choose a template and it starts working.
PHP Session Logins and Ad Views: This means, you will be safer from hackers and bots than ever before.
Lottery System: Please look in add-ons for current options.
Full Automation: Automated upgrading, buying or renting refs, lottery tickets, ability to have automated payouts for PayPal and AlertPay.
Advanced and Friendly Administration Panel: Packed with useful features.
Advanced Referral System: Ability for buying AND renting refs.
Auto Updating: Every time we have security fix, you're website will check and tell you.
Anti-Bot: Randomized features to avoid and detect bots and cheaters.
Advanced Ads: Many options for advertisers including demographic filter.
Advanced Upgrading system: Monthly and Yearly subscriptions.
Advanced Statistics: This applies for both members and the administrator.
Minimal Server Use: This script is built to use almost no resources and still work efficiently.
Advanced Administrator System: Main admin can create sub-admins and assign them rights.
Contact Importer: Allows users to import their contacts and send them invites.
Easy Upgrading: Easily upgrade your YourOwnBux, SecureBux, Bux3 and scripts to GeN2.
Multiple Processor support: Accepts both AlertPay and PayPal.
Kayako Support Suite v3.00.32 PHP NULL

Kayako Support Suite v3.00.32 PHP NULL
Kayako SupportSuite offers true integrated Multi-Channel solution allowing you to manage your emails, online issues, chats, self service and issues received by phone. The entire system has been designed to improve productivity and provide seamless integration between all the available modules. With rich AJAX based interface and unmatched features like IRS, VoIP, ViewShare you can be assured that your client issues are not only handled in a timely but efficient manner. Some key features of the product include:
- AJAX based Rich User Interface
- Active Directory (LDAP), vBulletin,
ModernBill integration
- ViewShare feature allowing you to
guide your clients in realtime
- Staff to Staff Voice Chats
- SLA's, Work Schedules and Escalations
- Detailed Reports and Analytics
- Microsoft® Outlook® Integration
- Teamwork module allowing you to
create shared Events, Contacts and Tasks
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AjaxPortal v.3.0 Nulled

AjaxPortal v.3.0
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AjaxPortal v.3.0
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first litle-bit about ajaxportal for who dosnt know what it is:
What AjaxPortal is?
If you are looking a way to create a state of art portal web site AjaxPortal is your solution.
AjaxPortal is based on Sajax technology - an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting as easy as possible. Sajax makes it easy to call PHP, Perl or Python functions from your webpages via JavaScript without performing a browser refresh. The AjaxPortal does 99% of the work for you so you have no excuse to not use it.
How it works
After starting the main page you will never leave the starting url, reloading the pages or refreshing the browser. You can search, login/logout, do admin work - add,edit,delete pages and boxes with information, navigate pages and more without reloading. All database information send/received to/from the MySql server stays hidden as a background task.
AjaxPortal v. 3.0 is a highly customizable full featured content management
tool written in PHP, using javascript and Mysql. It has an easy to use
administration interface and stores all data entries in a MySQL database.
AjaxPortal v. 3.0 is based on Ajax technology - a framework known as
XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting. Ajax makes it easy to use AjaxPortal
without performing a browser refresh.
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SNetworks's Cragislist Clone Full Nulled

SNetworks's Cragislist Clone Full Nulled
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100% working Warez DDL Script - WCDDL
The currently completed features are as follows:
* Admin Panel
* Blacklist
* Whitelist
* SQL Based White/Black List rather than Text-Based
* Queue
* Maintenance Tasks
* Add Downloads
* Edit Downloads
* Delete Downloads
* Hack Check
* Download Ratings
* Download Views
* Pre-Optimised Database
* Sites Tracking
* Module Support
* SEO URLs Supported
* Compatible with All Autosubmitters
* Customisable Types
* Recent Searches
* Full Pagination
* Delete all related downloads when blacklisting an URL
* Cookie-less Admin (For Security)
* Customisable Download Frame
* Search Within a Type
* Valid CSS & XHTML Strict Design

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