FlashChat includes a set of advanced administrative options so that you can easily manage rooms, users, bans, messages, and much more.
The room list and message input area can be re-positioned to different parts of the screen by simply dragging and droppinig. These layout positions can also be set by default in the external layout file.
A PHP-based "bad words filter" allows you, the chat administrator, to prevent foul language from being viewed within the chat.
FlashChat's text options can also be externally configured in the config.php file. You can add additional font sizes, specify the default font sizes for the interface text, set the default language, and much more!
Nearly every color in FlashChat can be modified within the PHP configuration files (using the HEX color code). You can also set custom JPG or SWF background images easily by editing the appropriate theme file, located in the /inc/themes/ folder).
FlashChat has the ability to use small, graphic avatars for any user. You may also set special avatars for administrators, or to distinguish male vs. female users. The background image can be customized for any user as well.
AIML, the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language, has been integrated with FlashChat. This feature allows your chatters to interact with a true artificial intelligence entity, making your chat seem "alive" even during periods of down-time.
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